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Latest Properties

These are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.

hot offer

Furnished 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Ea...

$ 1,800
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]
hot offer

Luxurious 3 bedroom penthouse in Airport Res...

$ 4,500
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]

Newly furnished 2-bedroom apartment for rent...

$ 2,800
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]

Listings available for rent

These are the latest properties in the Rentals category displayed using the latest properties slider shortcode (we show only 6 items, but you can show more)
hot offer

Furnished 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Ea...

$ 1,800
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]
hot offer

Luxurious 3 bedroom penthouse in Airport Res...

$ 4,500
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]

Newly furnished 2-bedroom apartment for rent...

$ 2,800
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]
new offer

Furnished 1-bedroom apartment for rent in Ai...

$ 2,300
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total [more]
Agent commission: 1 months rent for a rental period of 6 months and above OR 10% of total rent amount for a rental [more]
hot offer

Beautiful 6-bedroom mansion for sale at Tras...

$ 1,450,000
Agent commission: 3% This is a beautiful mansion located in the plush gated community of T [more]
Agent commission: 3% This is a beautiful mansion located in the plush gated community of Trasacco Valley – Ph [more]

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